Apache Giraph vs Apache Flink

October 18, 2022

Apache Giraph vs Apache Flink

Processing Big Data is not an easy feat, but with the advent of many Big Data processing tools, it has become much easier. Two of the tools that have been making waves in recent times are Apache Giraph and Apache Flink. These two tools are popular open-source tools for processing large scale data, but is one better than the other? Let's take a look at the features of both tools and see if we can declare a winner.


Apache Giraph is a graph processing system designed to process large graphs with billions of vertices and edges. It is built on top of Apache Hadoop, which means that it can easily integrate with existing Hadoop clusters. Apache Giraph boasts of its ability to handle complex graph computations using its built-in algorithms.

On the other hand, Apache Flink is a streaming and batch processing tool designed for high-throughput and low-latency processing. It has an extensive set of APIs that make it easy to build, test, and deploy complex data processing pipelines. Flink is built in Java and Scala and supports many languages such as Python, Golang, etc.


Apache Giraph

Apache Giraph comes with many features that make it an attractive option for processing large graphs.

  • Distributed Graph Computation - Giraph can process graphs with billions of vertices and edges in a distributed manner, which makes it possible to perform graph computations on large graphs.
  • Ease of use - It integrates easily with Apache Hadoop, and its built-in algorithms make it possible for users to run graph computations with minimal coding.
  • Real-time graph processing - Giraph can process graphs in real-time, making it possible to get real-time insights into graph data.

Apache Flink

Apache Flink comes with several features that make it suitable for Big Data processing:

  • Low Latency – Flink is well known for its low-latency processing capabilities. With its streaming API, it can process data in real-time.
  • Ease of use – Flink has a simplified API, which makes it easy for developers to create, test, and deploy streaming and batch processing pipelines.
  • Fault Tolerance – In case of failures or errors, Flink can quickly recover without affecting the data processing pipeline.


One of the most critical factors for Big Data processing tools is performance, so let's compare these two tools' performance.

In the Terasort benchmark, Apache Flink scored 1.2 times higher than Apache Giraph. In contrast, in the K-Means benchmark, Apache Giraph scored 1.8 times higher than Apache Flink.

When it comes to cluster setup, both tools require a cluster, but Apache Flink requires less hardware resources than Apache Giraph, which means Flink can handle large datasets more efficiently.


Apache Giraph is reliable when it comes to processing graph data; it can handle complex graph computations with ease. On the other hand, Apache Flink is reliable when it comes to handling and processing large volumes of data in real-time.


Choosing the right Big Data processing tool depends on your needs and what you're trying to achieve. Apache Giraph excels at handling graph data and provides an easy-to-use platform for graph computation. In contrast, Apache Flink is well suited for low-latency data processing for real-time data streams. However, based on the features mentioned above, Apache Flink is the winner for its ease of use, low-latency processing capabilities, and fault tolerance.


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